Exo-CASH – Exo-planetary Cloudy Atmospheres and Stellar High energy

Exo-CASH – Exo-planetary Cloudy Atmospheres and Stellar High energy

Duration: From 28 Sep 2023 – 27 Sep 2025 (2 years)

Principal Investigator: Giuseppina Micela (INAF, Palermo)

Contact person in IPCF: F. Saija (Vice PI)

Other research units (contact person): INAF (Giuseppina Micela)

Settori ERC: PE9 Universe Sciences. Astro-physics/-chemistry/-biology; solar system; planetary systems; stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy; space sciences.

Keywords: Exoplanetes, Modelling, Spectra

The goal of the project is to determine the role of the high-energy flux of the host star in shaping the properties and evolution of exoplanetary atmospheres by making use of computational approaches for the analysis of spectral data obtained from observational data.

Other IPCF people involved in the research activities: G. Cassone, M.A. Iatì, K. Mráziková