The Pisa division consists of 21 permanent staff units, including 6 senior researchers, 8 researchers, 3 administrative collaborators, 3 technicians and 1 technologist, and of 10 temporary contract holders (PhD students, Research Fellows and Junior Researchers).
The research activities cover the characterization of advanced materials, the design, preparation and characterization of polymeric and biopolymeric materials, electromagnetism, environmental acoustics, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, nanotechnologies for biomedical applications, and theoretical and computational chemistry, thus covering the DSCTM strategic areas of 1) Green Chemistry, 2) Chemistry and Energy, 3) Chemistry for Life Sciences, 4) Advanced Materials, 6) Computational Modeling.
The Pisa division is located within the CNR Research Area in Pisa, the largest one in Italy. IPCF has research units also at the Department of Physics and the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Pisa.
Address: Area della Ricerca, via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
tel: +39 050 3152233
email: amministrazione.pi@ipcf.cnr.it
Pisa Division Head:
Dr. Simona Bronco
tel: +39 050 3152234
email: simona.bronco@cnr.it
Pisa Division Administration Manager:
Mrs. Michela Saviozzi
tel +39 050 3152233
email: michela.saviozzi@cnr.it