ORCID: 0000-0002-5970-9001

Address: Viale F. Stagno D'Alcontres 37,
98158, Messina, Italy

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List of publications until 2023
Full CV

Franz Saija

Senior Researcher - Messina

Research interests

His research is oriented toward the investigation of systems of soft condensed matter by using theoretical approaches, numerical simulation methods and experimental techniques (light and neutron spectroscopy). This topic is developed in collaboration with national (University of Messina) and international research groups (Universidad de Extremadura, Spain).

Recently, his scientific interests have shifted towards the computational study of prebiotic chemistry processes. This topic is developed in collaboration with various international groups including the Institut de MinÈralogie, de Physique des MatÈriaux et de Cosmochimie (Sorbonne University) led by Professor Marco Saitta, the Department of Spectroscopy of the Heyrovsk˝ Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic led by Prof. Martin Ferus and the Astronomical Observatory of Palermo of the National Institute of Astrophysics led by Dr. Angela Ciaravella.

Keywords: Functional Density Theory and Molecular Dynamics, Computational Spectroscopy, Condensed Soft Matter, Thermodynamics of liquids and solids, Phase transitions.

Affiliations: Italian Society of Physics (SIF), Italian Society of Astrobiology, Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti


  1. 1996

    PhD in Fisica

    University of Messina
  2. 1992

    Laurea in Fisica

    University of Messina

Professional Appointments

  1. 2023
    Senior Researcher
  2. 2000
  3. 1999
    Postdoc Research Fellow
    l’Università Libera di Bruxelles
  4. 1997 - 1998
    Research Fellowship