SUPERNANO – SUPERcrystals by ligand-controlled organization of colloidal NANOparticles

SUPERNANO – SUPERcrystals by ligand-controlled organization of colloidal NANOparticles

Durata: From 30 Sep 2023 – 27 Sep 2025 (2 years)

Principal Investigator: M. Striccoli (IPCF)

Referente IPCF: Marinella Striccoli

Unità di ricerca coinvolte (referente): CNR-IC (Liberato De Caro), Politecnico di Bari (Roberto Grisorio), Università di Napoli (Michele Pavone).

Settori ERC: PE11 Nanomaterials engineering, e.g. nanoparticles, nanoporous materials, 1D & 2D nanomaterials; PE5_8 Intelligent materials synthesis –self assembled materials; PE11_14 Computational methods for materials engineering

Parole chiave: Self Assembly, Superstructures, Perovskite nanocrystals, Quantum dots, Multiscale modelling.

SUPERNANO aims to explore the ordered assembly of brightly luminescent NPs (quantum dots and perovskite nanocrystals) in supercrystals, by playing with NP size and surface chemistry toward a library of highly stable and strongly coupled structures. To achieve these goals, SUPERNANO proposes both the design of proper ligands to modulate the NP shell thickness and density and SC functionalization procedures to strengthen the NP-NP interactions and minimise their interparticle distances. The morphology, the crystalline phase, the optical and physical-chemical properties of the fabricated SCs will be studied through a combination of spectroscopic and advanced structural characterization techniques. Finally, a new multiscale modelling scheme, starting from NP and molecular ligands up to the full description of NP colloids and NP assembly in periodic supercrystals will be developed. The direct and intertwined interaction and continuous information exchange between modelling and experiments will deliver new knowledge-based design principles and guidelines for new structures and applications of supercristals in quantum and optoelectronic devices.