The Bari Division consists of 13 permanent staff units, including 8 researchers, 2 administrative collaborators, 3 technicians, and 12 temporary contract holders (Ph.D students and Research Fellows).
The research activities cover design and implementation of processes and complex systems based on inorganic nanostructures and bio-organic materials useful for the conversion of energy, environmental remediation, nanomedicine, (bio)sensors, optoelectronics, bio or photo-hydrogen production, photonics and cultural heritage conservation (TRL 3-7).
These activities are carried out by integrating the expertise in the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials with the strong background in isolation, reconstitution and chemical-physics investigation of biomaterials involved in biological energy transduction and molecular recognition.
The research activities are carried out in strong collaboration with associate researchers from University of Bari.
The Bari division is in the Department of Chemistry of the Università degli Studi di Bari which is located in the University Campus “Ernesto Quagliarello”, where the Politecnico di Bari and most of the Departments of Science (Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, etc) of the Università di Bari are sited. IPCF-Bari Division has also an instrumental laboratory in Valenzano, at the technology center Tecnopolis.
Indirizzo: Department of Chemistry, Via Edoardo Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy
Bari Division Head:
Dr. Roberto Comparelli
tel: 080 544 2027
Bari Division Administration Manager:
Sig.ra Federica Talpo
tel +39 080 544 2209