COSMIC DUST II – Cosmochemistry and Space Tweezers Technologies for Solar System Science and Exploration

COSMIC DUST II – Cosmochemistry and Space Tweezers Technologies for Solar System Science and Exploration

Durata: From 28 Sep 2023 – 27 Sep 2025 (2 years)

Principal Investigator: Luigi Folco (Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa)

Referente IPCF: O. M. Maragò (Vice PI)

Unità di ricerca coinvolte (referente): Università di Pisa (Luigi Folco); Università di Napoli “Parthenope” (Alessandra Rotundi); INAF OA Arcetri (John R. Brucato)

Settori ERC: PE9_2 Solar system science; PE9_4 Astrobiology; PE2_12 Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics

Parole chiave: Interplanetary dust; asteroids; comets; cosmochemistry; optical trapping; acoustic levitation

Cosmic Dust II aims to: 1) a systematic analysis of unique collections of small (down to 400nm) interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and large (up to 3mm) micrometeorites (MMs) to bridge gaps in our knowledge of the composition of the inner Solar System interplanetary dust complex; 2) the development of novel photonic-acoustic tools for the contactless, non-invasive analysis of particulate matter, as required for the detection of extraterrestrial organics and biosignatures in cosmic dust.

Altro personale IPCF coinvolto nelle attività di ricerca: M. G. Donato, A. Foti, P. G. Gucciardi, M.A. Iatì, S. Trusso