Durata: From 31 Jul 2024 – 28 Feb 2027 (2 years 7 months)

Ente finanziatore: Italian Space Agency e il Ministry of University and Research. Contract n. 2024-5-E.0 – CUP n. I53D24000060005. 

Coordinator: Politecnico di Torino

Referente IPCF:  O. M. Maragò

Sito web:  nasce Space it UP!

Settore ERC: PE2_12 Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics; PE9_2 Solar system science; PE9_4 Astrobiology

The project has 33 partners including universities, research centers and public and private companies. It is funded by the Italian Space Agency e il Ministry of University and Research to promote collaboration and innovation in the space sector on nine lines of research, from observation and protection of the Earth to extraterrestrial exploration, from artificial satellites to remote sensing.