INCIPIT- INtegrated Conductive and biomimetic polymeric Interfaces able to serve as micro-nanostructured Patches for myocardIal regeneraTion

INCIPIT- INtegrated Conductive and biomimetic polymeric Interfaces able to serve as micro-nanostructured Patches for myocardIal regeneraTion

Durata: From September 2019 to February 2024 (4.5 years)

Ente finanziatore: M-ERA.NET 2Horizon 2020MIUR-FIRST

Referente: C. Cristallini

Sito web: incipit

Settori ERC: Physical Sciences and Engineering; Life Sciences

The aim of the project is the implementation of bioartificial scaffolds with the potential to serve as acellular patches for in vivo cardiac regeneration. The INCIPIT cardiac patch technology will move this material-based product closer to the market of smart therapies in the cardiovascular field.

Altre persone coinvolte:  E. TombariM. LabardiL. Gasperini, A. Rizzo, N. Barbani (University of Pisa)