Avviso di selezione n.IPCF-AR-006-2024-PI scad. 23/08/2024
Avviso di selezione n.IPCF-AR-006-2024-PI scad. 23/08/2024
1-year Senior Research Fellowship focused on “Development of infiltration processes of ceramic materials via CVI techniques assisted by microwaves” within the Research Program “MicrowavE-assisted manufacturinG of cerAmic composites for improved thermal energy STORAGE systems (MEGASTORAGE) – CUP B53D23015170006” – PRIN 2022 20227N77XE, funded by the European Union- Next Generation EU.
Requirements: PhD in one of the areas relevant for the project; two years of scientific/professional experience, proved also by scientific publications; acquired experience in the subject matter (see art. 1) in the modalities described in art. 4: experience with numerical simulation – characterization of materials properties – handling of composite materials; knowledge of English; knowledge of Italian (for foreign candidates)
Scientific Area: Industrial Engineering and Information