NHYLODEA – Nanocrystalline HYdroxyapatite for the LOcal DElivery of Anticancer agents in the treatment of bone tumors and metastases

NHYLODEA – Nanocrystalline HYdroxyapatite for the LOcal DElivery of Anticancer agents in the treatment of bone tumors and metastases

Durata: From 1 Dec 2023 – 30 Nov 2025 (2 years)

Principal Investigator: Nicola Margiotta (Università degli Studi di Bari)

Referente IPCF: Nicoletta Depalo

Unità di ricerca coinvolte (referente):  Università degli Studi di Palermo (Alessio Terenzi)

Settori ERC: PE5_9 Coordination chemistry; PE5_7 Biomaterials synthesis; LS7_7 Pharmacology and toxicology; PE5_9 Chimica di coordinazione; PE5_7 Sintesi di biomateriali;LS7_7 Farmacologia e tossicologia

Parole chiave: Platinum Complexes, Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, Mesoporous silica nanoparticles, Bisphosphonates, Bone tumors.

The project aims to develop novel biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite and mesoporous silica, loaded with newly designed chemotherapeutic agents specifically tailored for bone cancer and metastases, to be administered in situ following resection of the bone tumour or metastasis and implantation via injection of a bone substitute biomaterial. The objective is to overcome the limitations and side effects of conventional systemic administration of chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of bone cancer, including metastatic forms. Therefore, nanostructures loaded with chemotherapeutic agents, based on cisplatin, will be designed, prepared, and characterized at each preparatory step, from a structural, morphological, dimensional, compositional, drug loading, and release capacity perspective. Additionally, biodegradation experiments and studies on cell cultures will be conducted to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the new nano-biomaterials.