FUTURAW – The raw materials of the future from non-critical, residual and renewable sources

FUTURAW – The raw materials of the future from non-critical, residual and renewable sources

Durata: From 01 Jan 2023 – 31 Aug 2024 (20 months)

Ente finanziatore: MUR, Riparto Fondo Ordinario Enti di Ricerca – DCM. AD005.081 – CUP: B53C23008390005

Principal Investigator: Lidia Armelao (Director of DSCTM-CNR)

Referente IPCF: R. C. Ponterio

Settori ERC:PE4, Physical and Analytical Chemical sciences: analytical chemistry, chemical theory, physical chemistry/chemical physics; PE4_2 Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques; PE4_18 Environment chemistry.

Parole chiave: circular economy; sustainability; secondary raw materials.

The FutuRaw project aims to identify new raw materials alternatives to conventional ones and to develop economically and environmentally advantageous processes for their conversion into the materials and products we use in everyday life. In particular, IPCF works on the valorisation of non-edible biomass in the energy, environmental and cultural heritage sectors with the creation of innovative, eco-friendly and low-cost plasmonic sensors based on recycled cellulose aimed at the rapid diagnostics of dyes. The sensors are obtained by decorating cellulose with noble metal NPs through PLD methods following a consolidated protocol developed by the same research group.

Furthermore, the research activity is dedicated to the use of innovative materials for dye solar cells (DSSC). Attention is paid to the reuse of non-edible waste biomass, such as shrubs, twigs, leaves, seeds and vegetable peelings, as well as various species of algae, microorganisms and non-edible fungi as sensitizing dyes for third generation photovoltaics.

Altro personale IPCF coinvolto nelle attività di ricerca: D. Spadaro