Avviso di selezione n. IPCF-AR-005-2024-ME scad. 08/07/2024
Avviso di selezione n. IPCF-AR-005-2024-ME scad. 08/07/2024
Assegno di Ricerca Senior focused on “Theory and modeling of nanostructured quantum systems, plasmonic and hybrid systems and/or optical forces at the micro and nanoscale” within the Research Program “PRR.AP018.004 – Spoke 6_ NATIONAL QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE – CUP B53C22004180005” – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute – NQSTI (Partenariato Esteso 04: Scienze e Tecnologie Quantistiche – PE0000023) , funded by the European Union- Next Generation EU.
Diplomi di Laurea: Degree in Physics (20/S; LM/17), Chemistry (62/S; LM/54) ;
Requisiti: acquired experience in the subject matter (see art. 1) in the modalities described in art. 4; Two years of scientific-professional experience, documented by scientific publications; At least three years’ research experience in methods and theoretical analyzes of quantum systems at the nanoscale, plasmonic and hybrid systems and/or in the theoretical-computational study of optical forces at the micro and nanoscale – knowledge of English – knowledge of Italian (for foreign candidates)