Avviso di selezione n. IPCF-AR-009-2023-PI scad. 05/01/2024
Avviso di selezione n. IPCF-AR-009-2023-PI scad. 05/01/2024
13-months Research Fellowship focused on “Development of low environmental impact extraction and purification methods of PHA produced by photosynthetic microorganisms, and applications in the encapsulation of digestate” within the Research Program “Biopolymers from digestate from agri-food waste for a smart release of biofertilizers (BIOSMARTFERT)” – PRIN 2022 5WLFFR, funded by the European Union- Next Generation EU.
Qualification: Degree in Chemistry (62/S; LM/54);
Requirements: acquired experience in the subject matter (see art. 1) in the modalities described in art. 4: Experience in calorimetric techniques (e.g., DSC, TGA) – Experience in spectroscopic analysis – Experience in chemical modifications – knowledge of English – knowledge of Italian (for foreign candidates)