Contact Information

Address: Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Via G. Moruzzi 1,
56124, Pisa, Italy
Edificio B, ingresso 21, piano terra, stanza 11

Social accounts:

Geremia Pompei

Research Fellow - Pisa

Research interests

Geremia’s research interests cover the field of Deep Learning and the study of Recurrent Neural Network models, with a particular attention to efficiency in terms of training (Reservoir Computing models). Another branch of investigation is audio processing for tasks such as Audio Classification and Sound Event Detection.

Keywords: Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, Echo State Networks, Federated Learning, Continual Learning, Sound Event Classification


  1. 2023

    Master's Degree in Computer Science

    Università di Pisa

Professional appointments

  1. 2023
    Research Fellow
  2. 2021- ongoing
    Full-stack Developer
    Redenv Srl
  3. 2021- ongoing
    Full-stack Developer
    Overside Srl