Nest – Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition, Parternariato Esteso – PE0000021​

Nest – Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition, Parternariato Esteso – PE0000021​

Durata: From November 2022 to October 2025 (3 years)

Ente finanziatore: PNRR –Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

Referente: M. Striccoli

The project aims to connect the main laboratories and university research groups and the main national research bodies to develop technologies for the conversion and use of renewable sources that should be sustainable, both from an environmental and a social point of view, and resilient for the energy production and distribution, while being less subject to the risks deriving from the current supply system of fossil fuels, basically, oil, and natural gas.

Altre persone coinvolte: R. Comparelli, E. Fanizza, M.L. Curri, A. Panniello