Address: Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Via G. Moruzzi 1,
56124, Pisa, Italy
Edificio B, ingresso 21, piano terra, stanza 1

Social accounts:

Luciano Celi

Senior Technologist - Pisa

Research interests

Luciano has been active in the field of science popularization and communication since his SISSA Master’s degree in Trieste and even later, after joining as CTER the Pisa Division of IPCF, he continued these activities. From the beginning, he has followed the “Areaperta” initiative ( coordinating its work during the five-year period 2012-2016. He is the author, together with his colleague Anna Vaccarelli, of the science popularization radio program “Aula 40” ( broadcasted by the CNR and has collaborated on several occasions with popularization initiatives – including editorial ones (collaborations with the newspapers «Sapere», «Almanacco della Scienza») – at the national level.

Keywords: Energy, Peak oil, Ecology, Epistemology, History and philosophy of science

Affiliations: Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO Italia)


  1. 2019

    PhD in Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering

    Università di Trento
  2. 2012

    Master in Internet Technologies

    Università di Pisa
  3. 2005

    Master in Communication of Science

    SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati), Trieste
  4. 2001

    Master's Degree in Philosophy of Science

    Università di Pisa

Professional appointments

  1. 2021
    Science outreach activities
    CNR Research Area, Pisa
  2. 2020
    Management activities related to the assignment of ISBN and DOI bibliographic identification codes
    UCRP CNR, Roma
  3. 2018
    Science outreach activities
    CNR Research Area, Pisa
  4. 2011