Lucia Ricci
Researcher - Pisa
Research interests
Lucia’s research activity is mainly aimed at preparation and characterization of new materials (composites, blends, hydrogels, emulsion adhesives…) for the valorization of agri-food waste such as legume proteins, tomato cutins, potato fibers or other biobased materials. Since the beginning of 2020 she has undertaken a new line of research concerning studies of ageing, degradation and/or absorption of pollutants on micro- and macro-plastics in the marine environment with experiments in situ or on materials found on beaches. Thanks to this background, she participated in the constitution of the WoW group “Win on Waste”, together with researchers and technicians from nine CNR institutes in Pisa and one in Lerici. She carries out numerous dissemination activities in WoW, both in presence and online, on the problem of micro and macro-plastics in the marine environment. Lucia is a first aid officer and actively participates in the Science Colloquia group of CNR-IPCF.
Keywords: Biopolymers, Chemical, thermal and spectroscopic characterizations, Degradability in the marine environment, Microplastics, Mixing, Agri-food waste.