ORCID: 0000-0003-3380-3312

Address: Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Via G. Moruzzi 1,
56124, Pisa, Italy
Edificio B, ingresso 21, piano terra, stanza 1

Carlo Andrea Massa

Researcher - Pisa

Research interests

Carlo Andrea worked in the HF2EPR laboratory, where he investigated the amorphous and semi-crystalline phases of polymeric materials by means of spin-label techniques; he also studied the viscoelastic properties of biocomposites, and he studied the relaxation phenomena in polymers via molecular dynamics (LAMMPS).

Keywords: Molecular dynamics, Colloidal suspensions, Polymers, Relaxation phenomena, Rheology



  1. 1994

    Degree in Physics

    Università di Pisa

Professional appointments

  1. 2009