Static and Dynamic Light Scattering
Resonant Raman Scattering
Examples of research topics
Research topics:
Life Science – Advanced Materials
Self-assembly, Supramolecular interactions, Optical resonance, Molecular recognition, Carbon-based composites, Porphyrin derivatives
Contact person:
The research activity is devoted to both fundamental and applied science involving nanostructured systems, through a wide range of spectroscopic approaches, from light scattering to time-resolved fluorescence and non-linear optics. The research concerns the study of the structural and dynamical properties of polymers, macromolecules, nanoparticles, carbon-based nanocomposites, gels and self-assembled systems, as well as of supramolecular interactions driving aggregation and molecular recognition phenomena under different experimental conditions. Applications are mainly related to the design and realization of new methodologies for quantifying active principles of pharmaceutical formulations and to the control of their colloidal stability. Particle size determination of water and air pollutants, as well as of industrial waste particulate, is also performed.

- Steady-state and Time-resolved Fluorescence (Excitation wavelength 350-500 nm)
- Resonant Raman Spectrometer
- Brookhaven Zeta-potential (PALS)
- AFFF (Asymmetric Flow-Field Fractionation)
- Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (JASCO 500A)
- Fluorescence Microscope (Zeiss Axiovert 100)
- PON 2014/2020 – Azione II “Fibre e tessuti intelligenti ed ECOsostenibili per l’abbigliamento TECnico e l’alta moda- ECOTEC” n. Avvio: Aprile 2021 Fine: Giugno 2023.
- PO FESR 2014/2020 – Azione 1.1.5. “Nuove Strategie Terapeutiche in Oftalmologia: Infezioni batteriche, Virali e microbiche – NuSTeO/Stratovir” 14/01/2020 – 14/07/2022.
- PRIN 2017 Progetto “Mussel-inspired functional biopolymers for underwater adhesion, surface/interface derivatization and nanostructure/composite self-assembly (MUSSEL)” 29/10/2019 – 28/10/2023.
- PON “Tecnologie e processi per l’Abbattimento di inquinanti e la bonifica di siti contaminati con Recupero di mAterie prime e produzioNe di energia TOtally green” (TARANTO) Novembre 2018 – Novembre 2021.
- PON02_00355 (HIPPOCRATES) “Sviluppo di Micro e Nano-Tecnologie e Sistemi Avanzati per la Salute dell’uomo” 26/11/2012 – 31/12/2015.