New methodologies for nanomedicine

Today medical diagnostics make use of accurate instrumentations for early identification of serious pathologies, but for some degenerative diseases (like, for instance, Alzheimer’s disease, type II diabetes, age-related macular degeneration), whose causes are still unclear, an early diagnosis is not available yet. Slowing down the disease course is one of the current strategies.

  • Concerning those degenerative disease related to uncontrolled self-assembly of proteins (i.e. amyloid- or amylin-based proteins), methodologies that exploit scattering techniques are developed in order to check in vitro the extent of aggregation phenomenon and the effectiveness of synthetic peptides in hindering coalescence.
  • For ocular pathologies, new instrumentation based on Resonant Raman scattering is designed and realized to investigate the effectiveness of pharmaceutical formulations in reaching the retina. For corneal tissue a method exploiting fluorescence and diffuse reflectance is realized for controlling and quantifying the concentration of an active principle absorbed in the stroma.
  • Imprinted polymeric materials for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and smart integrated micro-nanosystems for an efficient cystic fibrosis inflammation control are designed.
  • Mathematical-physical models of mechanics and electrodynamics of fluids are also developed for the study of biological tissues.